Video Pitch

Video Pitch 


  1. Hello Kristine, thanks for posting this pitch, I think you are very well articulated and went in-depth about why you should deserve this spot. Overall, I think it was a good pitch, but if I have to point out one negative, I would say it would be the pacing, some parts were too fast for me to understand. I hope the company gets back to you and hires you.

    1. Hi HuiHao, thank you for the comment. I appreciate the constructive feedback, will definitely take note on my pacing in my future speaking, making sure that my words would project out clearly and loudly. Once again, thank you!

  2. Your pitch was very detailed, providing many examples on how you can contribute back to the company through the various experiences you have. It can be nerve-wracking to present in front of a camera, but you show confidence through your body language and words.

    1. Hello Nathan, thank you for taking the time to comment on my post. Personally felt that I could have done much better but I really appreciate your kind words, it has definitely encouraged me a little more. Will definitely display more confidence through my body language and words in the future. Thank you once again for your uplifting comment!

  3. Thank you, Kristine, for this highly detailed and well delivered pitch!

  4. Hi Prof, thanks for your comment on my post! Your feedback means a lot and I really appreciate your support.


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