Critical Reflection

Module Learning

Previously I have mentioned during my introduction that through this module, I would like to work on delivering my words clearly and effectively, as well as maintaining eye contact with people I engage with. Through the course of these 13 weeks, I would like to confidently say that I have achieved my goals. Definitely, the learning aspects of this module are not limited, not only did I gain those skills, but I felt that I managed to weigh out the different factors that contributed to this gap I had. All these could not have been done without the help and support from my peers in my UCS module class, not to forget Professor Brad, who provided constructive feedback so that I was able to better myself in my traits and aspects, in terms of critical thinking and effective communication.

On a side note, using the resources that were introduced to us in class has given me new insights on how to enhance both my critical thinking and effective communication.  I am able to write more critically through various thinking processes. Putting more emphasis on the shortcomings that have been previously highlighted, I have always found it difficult to communicate effectively because of factors like speaking too quickly and lacking an approach for what I would like to convey.  While not all of my speech gaps have entirely improved, I can state that significant improvement has been made to help me get better. Improving my speaking pace and word articulation were two major ways that I was able to strengthen my communication skills.  But only knowing I need to improve is not enough. Therefore, the mock oral presentation made me aware of how quickly I spoke and considered whether or not my audience would understand what I was attempting to convey.  As a result, these possibilities have given me a solid foundation that allowed me to strengthen my weaknesses.

Project Learning

By concentrating on the research project's oral presentation component, I was able to hone skills that I had not previously thought would be crucial to the manner and quality of my presentations. The most valuable lesson I've learned is to try not to read anything off, including presentation slides or cue cards. I have realised that eliminating that tendency would push me to improve overall in terms of communication and presentation skills. 

Personally, I believe that adopting the research techniques for the project—or other research project, for that matter—has also improved my presentation skills. I am confident that even after I finish my studies, I will continue to adhere to the fundamental skill of using the platforms and methodologies utilized to filter through materials relevant to the research topic. As a result of this exposure, I realised that I can identify an article's key points quickly, which helps me locate specific topics easily and cuts the amount of time I spend on research.

My biggest takeaway from the research project was the camaraderie among my teammates.  The team made compromises and tried our hardest to complete the project as a team despite our busy schedules and constant workloads.  As a result, we produced a report and presentation of the finest quality.  Together, we have grown and progressed in our critical thinking and effective communication skills, and I believe we have done a fantastic job of carrying out our tasks and completing our project. 


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